Impact of reabilitation versus edentulism on systemic health and quality of life in patients affected by periodontitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

This systematic review is based on 59 articles, including 6724 patients in total, who were diagnosed with stage IV periodontitis (i.e., the same periodontal variables as stage III and missing ≥5 teeth). Stage IV patients often suffer from functional impairment and need oral rehabilitation, and these patients were either partially or fully edentulous. The aim was to evaluate the effect of bridges or dentures versus no treatment from the perspective of oral health related quality of life and systemic health.

The included articles imply that treatment with dentures or bridges

The included articles imply that treatment with dentures or bridges of partial or complete edentulism, regardless of whether the aetiology is periodontitis or not, does have a positive impact on oral health related quality of life. However, the influence of the treatment on masticatory efficiency was not as convincing.


The influence of oral rehabilitation on systemic conditions in this population was more rarely reported, though cognitive function and overall well-being were positively affected, albeit to  a limited extent.


To conclude, the authors highlight the need for clinicians to be aware of the role of oral rehabilitation on primary patient-based outcomes.

A summary of a scientific article

This summary of a scientific study by Gennai S et al. is presented by Anna Nilvéus Olofsson, DDS, Manager Odontology and Scientific Affairs. Click here for more information.